Bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia
Bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia

  • Managers’ responsibilities include providing feedback in a constructive, candid and timely manner.
  • Membuat perencanaan produksi Melakukan seleksi vendor RM sehingga menurunkan FG dalam waktu maksimal 5 hari shortage dari 5% menjadi Nol kerja dengan kualitas RM sesuai pada 2014 dengan standar.

    bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia

    Menurunkan tingkat komplain Mendata jumlah komplain dari pelanggan dari 20% komplain pelanggan yang gagal ditangani menjadi Zero.

    bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia

    di pabrik Foods sebesar 2% dari pemborosan di pabrik Foods NPS hingga akhir tahun 2014 Menyusun program cost.Mencapai pertumbuhan penjualan Mengunjungi pelanggan 2 kali produk foods nasional sebesar seminggu 20% tahun 2014 Meningkatkan Saleable Chick per Melakukan proses penetasan telur Hen House (HH) dari 138 menjadi 143 DOC Broiler per HH pada tahun 2014 Mencapai cost efectiveness target Mengidentifkasi penyebab Goals should be set in no more than three areas-attempting to achieve too many diferent goals at once will impede success.Ĭontoh Target Setting Target Individual Bukan Target Individual.Goals should be difcult, but achievable, to motivate performance.To the extent possible, goals should have a direct and obvious link to organizational success factors or goals.Goals must clearly defne the end results to be accomplished.Performance Planning Guidelines for Establishing Efective Performance Goals Successfully mentor employee “X” to develop skill “Y.”.– The results or goals to be achieved by employees should be tied to the organization’s strategy and goals.– Efective performance management systems provide behavioral standards that describe what is expected of employees in key competency areas.Review with employees their performance expectations, including both the behaviors employees are expected to exhibit and the results they are expected to achieve during the upcoming rating cycle.Nce Planning Ongoing Performa Feedbac nce k Review Performa nce Employe Evaluatio e Input n

    bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia

    However, according to a study by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), business complexity has increased between 50 percent and 350 percent over the last 15 years. Providing a basis for making operational human capital decisions (e.g., pay).īetween employees and managers.Driving behavior to align with the organization’s core values, goals and strategy.Developing employee capabilities to their fullest extent through efective feedback and coaching.Enhancing individual and group productivity.Clarifying job responsibilities and expectations.Possible Outcomes from Efective Performance Management Performance Management is the process through which managers ensure that empoyees’ activities and output contribute to the organization’s goals (Noe et al., 2011).Manajemen kinerja adalah proses berorientasi tujuan yang diarahkan untuk memastikan bahwa proses- proses keorganisasian ada pada tempatnya untuk memaksimalkan produktivitas para karyawan, tim dan akhirnya organisasi (Mondy, 2008).This framework is critical to promote a pluralist view of the ” silence ” of employees which is illustrated by the concept of ‘antagonism structured’, which is rarely used in the study of HRM and OB.Sumber: Triyonggo, 2014 Performance Management An integrated approach like this can offer a more reflective understanding of the social and psychological antecedents of employee Voice and Silence to academics, policymakers, and human resource management practitioners. This article aims to develop a conceptual framework of Voice and Silence employees based on interdisciplinary integration from the perspective of OB, IR, and LP. However, very few study the antithesis of employee voice, namely employee silence.

    bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia

    Many developments from studies on the concept of employee voice actualization in various theoretical disciplines – including Human Resource Management ( HRM ), Organizational Behavior ( OB ), Industrial Relations (IR) and Labor Process (LP) – are approaching phenomena from various ontological points.

    Bahan kuliah manajemen sumber daya manusia